New Series by Artist Daniel Edmondson

How to participate:
I am creating a new series of paintings and I want your help. I am going to paint 33 portrait
paintings in 33 days. I love painting portraits and I want to spend the next month doing
what I love. There has been a long-standing tradition of artists painting their collectors and
students and I thought this would be a fun project for everyone.
If this sounds like something you would like to take part in there are a few things that I will
need from you. You can either participate in person if you live in Colorado by coming to
my studio for a sitting or send me a photograph. Of course there is no obligation for you
to buy the painting. These paintings sizes will be 12x16 to 14x18 inches.
I will, through painting a personal portrait, enjoy having some sort of connection and
interaction with those of you that follow my blog/website, have collected my works or have
been previous students or your family.
Send me a picture…it will be fun. If the picture fits my concept I will paint it and attempt
to make a beautiful piece of art. Who knows, some day that special painting of you with a
smile on your face might be hung next to the Mona Lisa and people will wonder what your
smile is about.
Here how to participate:
*The photo would be best if shot without a flash
(it washes out all the detail and doesn’t look natural).
*I would love to see more than one photograph.
*If you are going to submit photographs, try to send
them via email. If you don’t have the ability to send it
via email, go ahead and send them to my studio physical
address listed above. I will keep them protected in plastic
and I will send them back to you as soon as the portrait
is completed.
**By sending in the photos you are granting me permission
to paint them and display them on my blog/websites
*Try not to send photographs that show big smiles and a
lot of teeth in them – save the big smiles for your next family
portrait at Olan Mills or the Sears photo studio. I want these
to be dramatic works of art.
*I am looking to create a dramatic, wonderful piece of art.
You can shoot the photographs outdoors or indoors.
*Don’t send any copywrited photographs such as wedding
photos or those from photography studios. I prefer something
that you or a family member shot.
Open to collectors, students, former students, and their families
Project starts the next week in August 2010
Have fun and be creative!
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